Outline of the History of North West Balimer

-3600 First Bronze Age Civilisation in the Balien Crater:The Empire of the Sun Gods

-3593 Empire of the Sun Gods falls to the Kingdom of Rabasin(Rabasin is ruled By the Warrior Priests of Gorgon)

-3593 to -3464 The Reign of Terror in Rabasin, as the King-Priests of Gorgon the Black terrorise and demoralise the population

-3467 to -3464 Rebellion in Rabasin with the King Priests being thrown down.

-3463 to -3230 The Dark Years Civilisation declines in the former Kingdom Of Rabasin and an Age of Darkness settles over the remains of the Kingdom

-3230 Birth of the Kingdom of Landimare on the SW Bank of the Sea Of Life. The Polinore Elves form the

Polinore Confederation

-3225 to -3219 The Consolidation Wars which create the Landimare Empire

-3224 The Polinore Elves first contact with humans(The Salamani People of the coastal areas to the West)

-3221 The Village of Bolitan conquers two neighbouring villages and their Chief declares himself King Of Bolitan

-3216 The Dwarves of Kaldabor encounter humans for the first time(Trade relations are opened with Landimare in - 3211)This is the beginning of Balimer's Iron Age as the Dwarves start selling Iron Weapons to the Landimarian's.

-3207 to -3204 Landimare conquers the Nieghbourghing Bronze Age Kingdoms of Terisan and Paldig.

-3205 Bolitan conquers the Relmandian Rift and reaches the Sea Of Life.

-3201 The Salamani people form the Kingdom of Salani on the West coast.

-3203 to -3196 Landimare conquers the small communities along the Southern coast of the Sea of Life, while in the north Bolitan starts moving down both sides of the Sea.

-3198 5 communities on the Eastern Shore of the Sea of Life form the Kingdom of Dell to protect them from Bolitan and Landimare.

Bolitan & Landimare on the Eve of the First Empire War

-3191 to -3180 City of Landcalimol is built on the Western Shore of the Sea of Life.

-3182 to -3181 1st Empire War between Landimare and Bolitan.

-3187 to -3180 Duchy of Salamadin conquers the the area's around it, including the small countries of Marijan, Lessier, Goblomi and Tascril, thus forming the Empire of Salamadin

-3174 Kingdom Of Dell conquered by Bolitan

-3168 Goliare is Crowned the First Emperor of Bolitan. Grelisiere the Golden is Hatched in the Western Rim Range.

-3162 to -3156 2nd Empire War between Bolitan and Landimare. Treants first awaken in the Polinore Confederation

-3157 to - 3150 Building of Brescia at the southern end of the Relmandian Rift

-3147 to -3145 The Great Plague: Plague's of Cholera and then Typhoid sweeps through NW Balimer.

-3143 to -3139 3rd Empire War between Bolitan and Landimare. This war ends with Bolitan conquering 1/3rd of Landimare.

-3138 to -3127 Landimare is torn apart by Civil War and breaks up into 6 countries

-3132 Bolitan conquers the Duchy of Mylin in Landimare(This caused the total collapse of Landimare's Ruling Class)

-3127 to -3126 The new countries formed by the collapse of Landimare(Samire,Landimare,Galion,Tensan,Paldig and Sylin) form a coalition to stop the spread of the Bolitan Empire

-3126 to -3094 The Great Mountain War between Salamadin and Bolitan results in Bolitan's border being pushed back to Cheb

-3120 Kingdom of Andoria is founded in the Andorian Valley in the Names of Resavion and Eldaria

-3116 Paldig overruns Sylin

-3108 to -3098 Rebellion in Saloni as Ganic-Damog leads his forces of Darkness against the Royal Family of Saloni

-3098 5000 Elves are Murdered in Saloni by Ganic-Damog, causing the Saloni-Polinoire War

-3098 to -3097 Saloni-Polinoire War , this war concludes with the killing of every Polinore Elf by the forces Ganic-Damog

-3097 to -3090 Saloni begins a war of expansion which ends in -3090 when it encounters the Empire of Salamadin

-3096 to -3086 The Elves to the south of Saloni form the Questoril Federation with the Kingdom of Andoria to protect themselves.

-3094 Paldig Conquers Terisan

-3091 An Army of Evil Creatures(Orcs, Goblins,Gnolls & Ogres) attack and Conquer Herol.These Creatures are lead by an Evil Priest of Manjil called Labinore Coltraine.

-3089 Beginning of the Saloni-Salamadin War

- 3082 Labinore allies himself with Saloni , the final destruction of Bolitan is is completed by Labinore when his armies take Brescia.

-3080 Kingdom of Dell takes Brescia off Labinore and the City flourishes for 20 years

-3079 to -3058 Intermittent War between Labinore and Dell ends with Labinore retaking Brescia. 3rd invasion of Salamadin by Saloni is driven back.

-3061 Paldig conquers Galion and Landimare

-3053 to -3049 Saloni and Labinore invade Salamadin from different directions and conquer it at the end of -3049

-3048 to -3040 Saloni and Labinore consolidate their gains.

-3041 to -3039 The Army of Saloni crosses the western end on the Andorian Mountains and conquers the Halfling and Gnomish lands.

-3037 to -3034 Saloni conquers the Ram-Ispon Mountaineers of the Western Rim Range and Slaughters them all.

-3036 to -3031 Labinore and Dell go to war again over the possession of Brescia, which ends in the destruction of Dell and Labinore controlling the Eastern Shore of the Sea of Life.

-3032 Labinore dies from wounds received in battle, his Second in command takes over his lands and army and crowns himself Labinore the Second, Labinore was known Posthumously as Labinore the 1st.

-3029 to -3020 Rebellions begin to grow in both Saloni and Labinore but are ruthlessly put down.

-3013 to -3010 Rebellion in the 15 Shires is ruthlessly put down with great lose of life.

-3006 Saloni declares War on Andoria

-3006 to -3001 The Armies of Saloni attempt to invade Andoria 5 times but are never able to gain more than 15-20 miles before being driven back by the numerically smaller Army of Andoria, and finally give up in -3001

-3003 to -2996 Paldig and Labinore are at war. The war ends with Paldig conquering western Labinore and the reemergence of Brescia and Dell.

-2995 to -2994 The Fell Winter descends on NW Balimer as a powerful mages experimental spell goes horribly wrong and covers an area 1000 miles in Diameter from Maldibore(The Old capital city of Salamadin) in an Artic Winter. Thousands die in the first days of this unexpected deep freeze, as the people of NW Balimer are used to warmer weather and there is a dearth of decent cold weather clothing.When the Winter lifts 7 months later with the coming of Spring over 2/3 of NW Balimer's population is dead and all governments in the area collapse. The big thaw is followed be a spate of small plagues and pestilence's as the dead begin to decompose.

-2994 to -2165 The Dark Age: North West Balimer is ruled by city states and small countries which are constantly warring on each other

-2163 The Kingdom of Andoria is refounded. The Tablig People invade and settle the southern area of the Balien Crater

-2161 Duchy of Rylan is formed in the north of the Western Rim Range.

-2160 Kingdom of Aravil is formed in the Rim Hook

-2159 The Building of the Tower Keep on the future site of Balien City is completed by Duke o`Reslio of the Balien People, o`Reslio then declares himself King of Balien

-2153 to -2125 Civilisation begins its return to NW Balimer with stable governments beginning to be reformed.

-2125 to -2000 The Rebirth Civilisation has returned to NW Balimer with a technological and Cultural renaissance and the stabilisation of the newly formed governments in the area

-2064 to -2041 Andoria expands it's borders until it is approximately 6 times its former size and brings peace and stability to its population.

-2061 The invention of the Windmill in Rylan helps make Grain Grinding easier as wind driven grinding wheels are built in many areas.

-2002 Paper Manufacture is discovered in Andoria as is the formula for Andorian Black Ink. Andorian Black Ink is one of the first Inks made which didn't soak straight into the paper and making it useless.

-2031 to -2029 Unexplained migration of 30000 Halflings and 13000 Gnomes from the 15 Shires to the Balien Crater.

-2021 The March of the Hill Giants Toucy and Tablig are devastated when up to 1600 Hill Giants suddenly swept out of the Western Rim Range and went on a rampage through them. Balien comes to their aid and then absorbs both countries in return for that help.

-1978 to -1973 Balien gains through marriage the Duchy of Maliere and County of Sylin, and through conquest the Kingdom of Dell.

-1954 to -1941 The 15 Shires are added to the growing Balien Empire peacefully

-1947 The Dwarven Duchy of Haridan allies itself with Balien

-1936 to -1927 The Kingdom of Mylandia invades Balien, the war ends with the Balien Army on the verge of victory being defeated by Mylandia's new allies(The forces of the Fire Giant Warlord Ungil)

-1920 to -1847 The Great War of the North Fear of the Growth of the Balien Empire forces many of the countries of the NW to ally into the Great Army  and to invade Balien. The war ends in -1847 when Andoria enters the war on Balien's side and the resulting battle at the Gates of Nal-Masta(Capital of Mylandia) results in a massive volcanic eruption which buries the city and scatters the opposing armies, the eruption is caused by the intervention of Zan, Urgan, Tylanria and Raglovan in the Battle. All belligerents in the war are left exhausted and licking their wounds. the remains of Mylandia are split between Balien and Chalise

-1847 to -1845 Andoria and Balien Sign the Charter of Empire and the Balien Empire is Reborn

-1843 Balien bloodlessly takes over the Duchies of Chalise and Cheb by forcing the Dukes to sign the Charter of Empire

-1842 to -1769 Balien Empire conquers most of NW Balimer in lightning campaigns and Bloodless Coupes, and in -1798 Conquered the Western half of the Great Plains when Emperor Kylami the Second defeated the Plains Tribe Champion in single Combat and did it after being knocked off his horse while his opponent was still mounted.

-1768 to -1602 Balien Empire consolidates its gains and absorbs the Eastern Great Plains, It also colonises the Great River Valley.

-1600 to -600 The Height of the Balien Empire with a great growth of knowledge and art, many Great Works are achieved in this time and populations soar as peace is maintained by a strong line of Emperors and the might of the Army of Balien. It is during this time that Eight Tribes of Plains Wemics migrate to the Balien Crater to be close to the Emperor, over the next 1300 years they will evolve into a much different people to their less civilised Plains Cousins. Also during this time several great works are completed, including the Tower of Druilin in Rylan, The Great Temple of Eldaria and Resavion in Andoria, The Black Warrior in Erles Naer, The Towers of Healing in the Fraeoliene Valley( aka now as the Valley of Hell) and the Sky Castle in Nyrond.

-600 to -200 The Balien Empire is stagnated with little in the way of progress being made and unrest starting to grow as a line of weak Emperors rule by increasingly Dictatorial means.

-200 The Great Earthquake hits the West Coast of Balimer on Mid-Summers Day when over half the Empires Nobles are in Erles Naer, the New Capital on the West Coast and they along with nearly Half the Balien Army were drowned when a huge chunk of the Western Seaboard disappeared under the waves, this also split Balimer and Aslan with the landbridge also disappearing under the waters of the Great Ocean.

-197 Rylan and Casiopan secede from the Empire, and cause a period of great unrest among the remaining provinces of the Empire, with Andoria being the force which holds the Empire together.

-150 Emperor Kylami the Seventh dies without naming his Heir, this starts a War of Succession among the 56 legitimate claimants to the throne, which then disintegrates into a civil war

-149 to -96 Balien Civil War sees the end of the Balien Empire as it disintegrates into small warring states

-95 Last Year that Imperial Authority is Acknowledged anywhere

-51 to -10 Duchy of Balien absorbs 6 Neighboughing Counties and Baronies

-9 to -1 War of The Rim with the Followers of Urgan and the Army of Marijan attempting to conquer southern Balien but being defeated in the end by better equipped and trained troops

The Birth of the Kingdom of Balien

BY 1;Crowning of King Samilien the First on Mid-Summers Day

BY7 County of Chalise joins Kingdom of Balien

BY20 Kingdom of Relmandia is formed in the Relmandian Rift at the Northern end of the Sea of Life.

BY36 Duchy of Randsburgh at the head of the River Tresliere starts construction of a Beacon to help navigation in the treacherous waters at the southern end of the Sea of Life

BY52 Count Jieux of Oyannax secedes from the Kingdom, secession is stopped by Balien Army with popular support of Oyannax's population(over 60% supported the King)

BY62 Completion of Randsburgh Beacon

BY63 The artist Hiyre is born in Grall

BY 75 King Palima the 2nd is assassinated by Asmouth, Count of Folkarn, in an attempt to usurp the throne. Asmouth is discovered by Rito, High Priest of Zandor, and hunted out of Balien

BY 76 Asmouth signs a treaty with Marigat of Marijan which will give Marigat control of Balien in exchange for helping Asmouth gain the Throne(Asmouth hopes to Kill Marigat and renege on the deal once he is King)

BY 78 Hiyre begins her Great Mural in the Temple of Marida(Queen of the Gods)

BY 79 The Village of Ord River in attacked by Orcs and Hobgoblins and severely damaged.

BY 80 Birth of Hrand Greywolf

BY 81 Balien Grand Wizard Ji Poki is murdered in his bed and his Staff of Magi stolen, it has never been recovered and no one knows who has it.

BY 83 Birth of Derma Frie

BY 90 An Army of Infernal Creatures invades Balien out of the Valley of Hell lead by Asmouth

BY90 to BY 92 Asmouth conquers much of Toucy County though his victories are very costly

BY 92 to BY 93 Siege of Toucy, which is broken when Count Yourcie leads a sally from the Gates which destroys 2 whole regiments of Orcs on Asmouth's flank just as King Samilien the 3rd leads the Balien Army against them.

BY 94 to BY 107 Asmouth and his forces are gradually driven out of Balien until on the 6th Day of Flamefest, at the Battle of Molshiem, Asmouth is killed in a  Monumental Battle with the Hero's Hrand Greywolf and Derma Frie, both of whom died in the battle. Asmouth's body is taken from the field of battle by his forces as they retreated into the Valley of Hell

BY 108 Asmouth is changed into a Lich under the full control of Marigat of Marijan and is sent back to the Valley of Hell to start another War against Balien

BY 109 Hiyre finishes her Great Mural, Birth of Tysun the Hermit

BY 110 Hiyre begins a Statue dedicated to Hrand Greywolf and Derma Frie which she finishes in BY111, and is placed in the Palace Grounds in Balien City

BY 115 Asmouth, using Arcane Magics, builds his Tower at the mouth of the Valley of Hell, on the site of the former Towers of Healing. He has first to desecrate to site and then using an Acrane Magical Tomb   he created the Tower of Asmouth.

BY 116 to BY 123 Asmouth gathers his forces and launches sporadic raids into Southern Balien

BY 121 Balien City is quarantined as Typhoid kills 1/3 of the Population

BY 124 The Dwarven town of Haridan in Chalise County is destroyed by Blackflame the Red( an Ancient and Powerful Red Dragon)

BY 126 Asmouth's forces destroy the Village of Molshiem as revenge for his defeat there in 107

BY 127 Asmouth's Armies again Invade Balien starting the 80 Years War which devastated much of southern Balien and killed 12 of Balien's Royal Family, the Last being Queen Heliena and her nephew Tamilad, Count of Folkarn, who both died at the Battle of Hart River in BY204( Queen Heliena was 80 years old at the time and still killed 8 ogres before dying{In Gurps terms she was a 1000 Point NPC who had ruled Balien since she was 14 and lead the Armies of Balien for 60 years})

BY 204 Battle of Hart River; At this battle the Armies of Asmouth had their back broken and the next 3 years of the war were mainly spent mopping up the remaining pockets of his forces

BY 207 The 80 Years War officially ends

BY 208 Over 60 Hill Giants attack the Village of High View in Chalise County, but are beaten back with great lose of life.

BY 110 to BY 112 War with the Republic of Sylinia over the Southern Border of Balien, this was mostly a War of Words with infrequent skirmishes.A nonaggression Treaty is signed on Mid-Summers Day BY 112

BY 215 Princess Heliena is Kidnapped on her 18th Birthday by a band of Orcs and Half Orcs while travelling to Balien City from the Royal Country Estate, while in the hands of the Orcs she is raped by the Half Orc leader of the band, but is saved further pain by the timely arrival of her Father and Brother who kill the entire group. Heliena was impregnated by the Half Orc and her Daughter was born in BY216, Heliena was forced by her father to adopt out her daughter to the Palace Castilian and his wife to save social embarrassment. Her daughter was called Aigor and known as the daughter of Baldec Ranidor. Heliena dedicated her life to Eldaria and never married , she is now High Priestess of Eldaria in Balien.

BY 217 Blackflame the Red attacks the Eastgate of Kaldabor but is driven away, severely hurt, by the doughty Dwarves.

BY 220 Byron the Fair is born in Chalise County, King Rydan of Rylan is killed by his son Saldec who assumes the throne of Rylan and announces that the Church of Urgan is no longer outlawed in that country.

BY 223 Night of the Long Blades as the Knights of Urgan quash a rebellion against King Saldec and kill over 60% of Rylan's Noble Families

BY 233 Wilhelm Van Mostan is born in Basella, Marijan. The Eldest Son of Baron Josef Van Mostan.

BY 234 The Mage Darin is born in Molshiem

BY 235 Prince Makin Redblade is born

BY 236 Telin Ranidor is born to Aigor and Horun Ranidor( Horun is Her cousin by adoption). Rylan invades Chalise County

BY 237 Chaliseton is besieged by Saldec's Army

BY 238 Siege of Chaliseton is broken by the arrival of King Balisiere and The Army of Balien, Balisiere is killed in the first charge and his son Salaviem leads the victory.

BY 239 Rylan declares peace with Balien and then invades and Conquers the Duchy of Cheb in Relmandia. Molshiem is razed, for the second time, by an army of Orcs and Ogres with only 100 people surviving the disaster, Molshiem is rebuilt with much improved defences.

BY 240 Aigor and Horun are killed when their carriage overturns on a dark rainy night between Balien City and Kozaet, Heliena then declares that Aigor was her daughter and assumes the rearing of her Grandson, Telin

BY 245 Birth of Aril Mishate in Balien City

BY 247 Evil creatures are increasingly raiding out of the Valley of Hell, heralding the return of Asmouth and his evil plans of conquest.

BY 255 The forces of Galadoria of the Pentagram attempt to destroy the Temple of Tylanria in Chalise County and are beaten off with great lose.

BY 257

           On the 10th day of Chilltime a Mage by the name of Darin of Molshiem using the Sword Baliensbane attempted to assassinate King Salaviem of Balien, fortunately for Darin  the Princess Elisena was able to disarm him( in one second :} ) and knock him out. After questioning the members of the mages party, which included a Knight of Tylanria, it was determined that he was not in control of his actions.

          On the 20th Day of Newhome, Aril Mishate leaves for Andoria and her training to be a Knight of Resavion.

          Between the 4th and 8th days of Flamerule a series of gruesome murders are committed in The Den area of Balien City, these murders are never explained to the public, though there was an investigation by both the City Guard and Temple of Tylanria.

          On the 27th Day of Frostiene Eiselar the Grand, Grand Wizard of Balien, disappears while in Royal Audience with King Salaviem. In the words of many of the witnesses "He just vanished into thin air" (Which reminds me of Mr Garibaldi's question"Why do people always disappear into thin air?, why not slightly overweight air or fat air?")

BY 258

         On the 4th day of Chilltime Eiselar the Grand is returned after his rescue by an adventuring group lead by Darin of Molshiem, and consisting of Gideon Highcastle, Shadar Tallman, Thaugrim and Thorin( a pair of fierce Dwarves). Unfortunately Thorin was split in twain by the Demon guarding the Portal to the lower planes, through which Eiselar needed to pass. His sacrifice helping Shadar wound the Demon which passed through the portal, thus allowing Eiselar's escape.

         On the 26th day of Chilltime the Council of Balimer is given knowledge that the forces of the Free Republic of Galagora intends to attack and destroy as many Windrider Nomad Tribes as they can , at the 10 Year Tribal Mid-Summer Conclave to be held near the ruins of Asran Kalmi on the Eastern Plains.

         On the 10th day of Newhome, The Council of Balimer passes critical Information on to Shadar Tallman, asking him to warn his people of their imminent doom at the hands of Galagora's Armies. A task which he eagerly accepts and his friends back him up on.

          On the 18th day of Newhome a new volcano erupted off the coast of Taglaret, the resulting Earthquake and Tidal Waves causing severe damage to the coasts of Marijan, Taglaret and Bendoff. It also wrecked an invasion fleet being prepared by Marijan to invade Taglaret.  

          On Mid Summers Day, an Army of Marijanian and Galagorian Soldiers is destroyed by the Wind Rider Nomads which also suffered great losses

          On the 1st Day of Flamerule, the Marijanian Lich Asmouth is apparently destroyed by a group of Adventurers, these adventurers{ Shadar, Darin, Gideon, Wilhelm and Balo} where used by King Halavorn of the Eldanorian Elves as a weapon to antagonise Asmouth into attacking Balien and then hopefully causing the destruction of the Forces of Dik Dago in the general war that would follow. Unfortunatly for Halavorn the Adventurers survived and even managed to destroy Asmouths Body, though only for as long as it took him to recreate it. Asmouth has his Essense protected in a Soul Stone, which is actually one of the Stones of Blood Marble used to build his Tower, so to truly kill him the tower would have to be torn down and the rubble scoured until the Soul Stone was found and destroyed.

          On the 10th Day of Flamerule, King Halavorn is Banished to Asmouths Tower by his disgraced Familly and his son Fier-Elis is named King. The Battle between Halavorn and Asmouth results in Halavorns death, though in his redemption he managed to drain Asmouth so badly that Asmouth would take 5 years to recover his strength enough to again trouble Balien.

         On the 12th Day of Flamerule, The surviving adventurers, unfortunatly Wilhelm and Balo didnt return with the others and are presumed dead, are called to Balien City and offered profuse apologies for the betryal of Halavorn, included in these apologies are the giving of the Bow Shaese Froi to Shadar and the other survivors are also suitably compensated.

          On the 26th Day of Flamerule, Wilhelm is Executed in Marijan City, it is an open execution in front of the Temple of Urgan, but though they have him gagged Wilhelm manages to call out to his God Resavion and in his final moments inspires many of those forced to watch his death to begin the building of a resistence movement that may have the best chance ever of bringing down the Liches of Marijan.

         On the 15th Day of Elisarme, Aril Mishate and Getrol Drij begin their Quest to avenge Wilhelms Murder and free Marijan.

         On the 8th Day of Balden, 5 noble Liches of Marijan are destroyed in a co-ordinated attack by the Marijanian Freedom Fighters and Knights of Resavion, this results in retaliation by the Church of Urgan, but this too is resisted by Marijans population and Marigat is forced to divert much of his Army into Garrison and Patrol Duties to keep the peace in his own lands, thus forestalling his impending Invasion of Taglaret.

         **Year in review.

         BY258 was a year of setbacks for Marigat and his Allies, first there was the Rescue of Eisilar and then the Defeat of Galagora's Army in the Battle of Asran Kalmi , then Asmouth is defeated by the same adventurers , and his one victory was turned into a defeat by the defiance of a former vassal. The Elves of Eldanore lost much prestige in the dishonor of their King and this will take many years to repair, though Halavorn did in some ways redeem himself. The attack by Galagora forced the Windrider Tribes to work together more closely and this should have advantagous effects in the Future.



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Elves of Eldanore lost much prestige in the dishonor of their King and this will take many years to repair, though Halavorn did in some ways redeem himself. The attack by Galagora forced the Windrider Tribes to work together more closely and this should have advantagous effects in the Future.



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