Misty Mountain Valley

The valley depicted is a middle upland valley from the Balien Crater in my
World of Ariane RPG Setting, the soil in this area is a pinkish white
limestone created by ash deposits millions of years earlier when the world
was younger, thrusting up thru the Limestone are remnants of the Volcanic
Rocks ( Primarily Granite and Basalt). This picture is from early spring
with the river running a little high and some erosion evident on the right
bank. The plants on the left are known as Alcost Berry Trees, they are
around 3-4 m high and carry a delicious red berry which generally measures
10-15 cm in diameter and make a potent Berry Liquor called Terof, which is
loved by Talinden ( Centaurs ).

Created and Rendered in Bryce 4
Plants in foreground created in Plant Studio 1.6 and textured in Bryce
Post Edit in Corel Photo-Paint 8 using KPT 6 Equalizer
Signature done in Ulead's Cool 3D

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