Hellhound in the
Steamslayer Crèche
The setting is the "Steamslayer Crèche" from my
World of Ariane Campaign
Setting, this is a land recently (In Geological Terms) created by the
upheavals of the Great Earthquake in BY -200. This tortured land of
Volcanoes and Lava Rivers is inhabited by many creatures who have an
affinity to Fire and Heat. One of the major predators of the area are
Hellhounds, these creatures from the Fiery Planes of the Abyss have made
themselves a home in the Crèche , along with Salamanders, Fire Giants, Red
Dragons Efreeti and Fire Elementals. Many Hellhounds ( They are of a Low
Intelligence) serve in the Armies of Dic-Dago, a powerful Demon who rules
the Crèche.
Hellhound is the Poser Wolf
Thanx to Menno for the Fire Mat
Post Editing in Photo-Paint 8 with KPT6 Equalizer and Lens Flare
Signature in Cool 3D