
ST 26-32 Attacks
DX 12 Claws Cut 2D + 3
IQ 11-13 Bite Imp 2D + 1
HT 14 Special See Below
HP 20-24 Size 2 (8ft long and 600lb)
Speed 8 Special Attack; Relcats can rake with their back claws if they hit with both forepaws in the same round. They then make an attack roll for the hind legs and if they hit, they do 3D + 2 Cutting Damage. This attack is defended at -4 to Dodge (which is the only defence usable).
Dodge 10
PD/DR 0/1
Reach C,1




Telepathy 6 - 16

Healing 0 - 5 ( only 5% of Relcats have this ability)

*Very Rare Relcats have Telepathy in the 17-20 range


PSI Sense 12-16
Emotion Sense 12-15
Telesend 12-18
Telerecieve 12-18
Mental Blow 12-15
Mind Shield 11-14
Sleep 12-15
Healing 12-16


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