Red Dragon
Red dragons are the most covetous and greedy of all dragons, forever
seeking to increase their treasure hoards. They are obsessed with their wealth and
memorize an inventory accurate to the last copper. They are exceptionally vain and self
confident, considering themselves superior not only to other dragons, but to all other
life in general.
When red dragons hatch, their small scales are a bright glossy scarlet. Because of this,
they can be quickly spotted by predators and men hunting for skins, so they are hidden in
deep underground lairs and not permitted to venture outside until toward the end of their
young stage when their scales become turned a deeper red, the glossy texture has been
replaced by a smooth, dull finish, and they are more able to take care of themselves. As
the dragon continues to age, they are more able to take care of themselves. As the dragon
continues to age, the scales become large thick, and as strong as metal.
Red dragons speak their own tongue and 16% of hatchling red dragons have an ability to
communicate with any intelligent creature. The chance to possess this ability increases 5%
per age category of the dragon.
ST:15 DX:9 IQ:11 HT:12 Speed:8/4 Dodge:4 PD/DR:1/4 Damage:1d+2/ 1d+2/ 3d-2 |
Reach: R, C,1 Size:5 Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire Range:15 Damage:3d-2 Magery/Spells:0/0 Magic Resistance:0 Fear Radius:0 |
ST:25 DX:11 IQ:11 HT:15/22 Speed:10/5 Dodge:5 PD/DR:1/5 Damage:2d-1/ 2d-1/ 3d-1 |
Reach: R, C, 1 Size:7 Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire Range:21 Damage:3d Magery/Spells:L2 10-20 Magic Resistance:0 Fear Radius:0 |
ST:40 DX:12 IQ:12 HT:15/35 Speed:12/6 Dodge:6 PD/DR:1/5 Damage:2d/ 2d/ 3d |
Reach: R, C, 1 Size:8 Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire Range:24 Damage:3d+2 Magery/Spells:L2 20-40 Magic Resistance:L3 Fear Radius:15 yds |
Young Adult
ST:50 DX:13 IQ:13 HT:15/52 Speed:14/6 Dodge:7 PD/DR:3/7 Damage:2d+1/ 2d+1/ 3d+1 |
Reach: R, C, 1, 2 Size:10 Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire Range:30 Damage:4d-2 Magery/Spells:L2 40-60 Magic Resistance:L3 Fear Radius:20 yds |
ST:60 DX:14 IQ:14 HT:15/67 Speed:18/6 Dodge:9 PD/DR:3/8 Damage:2d+2/ 2d+2/ 3d+2 |
Reach: R, C, 1, 2 Size:12 Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire Range:36 Damage:4d+1 Magery/Spells:L2 50-70 Magic Resistance:L4 Fear Radius:30 yds |
Old Adult
ST:70 DX:15 IQ:15 HT:15/67 Speed:22/6 Dodge:10 PD/DR:4/10 Damage:3d-2/ 3d-2/ 4d-2 |
Reach: R, C, 1, 2 Size:15 Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire Range:45 Damage:5d-1 Magery/Spells:L2 60-85 Magic Resistance:L5 Fear Radius:40 yds |
Great Wyrm
ST:85 DX:15 IQ:16 HT:16/104 Speed:26/6 Dodge:10 PD/DR:4/10 Damage:3d-1/ 3d-1/ 4d-1 |
Reach: R, C, 1, 2, 3 Size:18 Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire Range:54 Damage:5d+2 Magery/Spells:L2 75-105 Magic Resistance:L6 Fear Radius:50 yds |
* Speed is Airborne/Ground
* Breath Weapon:
Cone of Fire which goes from 5ft wide at the mouth to 30ft wide at the end and # yards long
* Special Abilities:
All Powers are cast at L18
Dragon Fear
Alertness L3
Immune to Fire
Shape Fire 3/day
Young Adult:
Heat 1/day
Suggestion 1/day
Old Adult:
Mass Suggestion 1/day
Great Wyrm:
Detect Gems, Kind and Number within 100ft