Orcs are a highly aggressive and militaristic race and as such tend to end up in the armies of the Liches and Demons that plague Balimer. They end up here not because they are inherently evil, but because their warlike culture and constant need for conflict makes them very unpopular in most lands dominated by Humans, Dwarves and Elves. Most Elves would have you believe that Orcs are Evil, Degenerate, Cannibalistic Barbarians whose only purpose in life is to kill and propagate. This is totally untrue, Orcs have a highly organised society based on strength ( Very much like a Wolf pack) and care for their young with as much regard as the "Gentler Races" do, indeed Orcan Weaponsmiths and Armourers are highly regarded in their field
Also comparing Orcs to Pigs is another Elven Tale that is completely wrong, Orcs should more closely be compared to Wolves, and indeed their creation legend claims that they were created from Wolves who served Zan and given the strength and resolve to make war by Masoran. Like Wolves, Orcs have a very good sense of smell and use this as their primary identifier when meeting others of their race ( This is the reason Orcs never deliberately bath, I mean how can you tell someone's intentions if you can't scent them? ), and like wolves, Orcs mark there personal territory with Urine and Faeces . Orc tends to be overly aggressive in many regards and have a strong belief in themselves as individuals
To an outside observer an Orcan Village looks disorganised and chaotic, but this is incorrect, the Villages are set up according to the social order set in Ritual Combats for leadership and advancement within Orcan Society, and the smell of the Village ( which can sometimes be detected by even humans from over a mile away ) is not an indication of low intelligence or degenerate society, but rather the Orcan Ideal, in which scent plays an incredibly large part in daily interactions.
Orcs are not Farmers or Herders by nature, indeed only in Marijan will you find large numbers of Orcs doing either of these things to survive, but Foragers and Hunters. The unfortunate thing for Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halfling and the other Humanoid Races is that Orcs tend to regard Pillaging and Raiding to be the same as Hunting and Gathering, and this brings them into constant conflict with these races.
Total Cost | +30 |
Also see here for Smasha , The Orcan Martial Art.
This is the Basic Orc package which will be influenced by where the campaign is being played and what type of campaign it is.
For Example, an Orcan Character in a Campaign set in Marijan or Rylan would use the basic package only, because they are not persecuted in these countries, while an Orcan Character playing in a Balien Orientated Campaign with "Good" Characters would have to take a few disadvantages to reflect the way people react to them, such as Bad Reputation -4 ( Everyone, All Time), and Primitive ( While Orcs aren't actually more primitive than Humans, their dress style and mannerisms are considered barbaric by most Humans), also Odious Personal Habit (Smell) [While Orcs find comfort in the Strong Smells of their bodies, most Non-Orcs find it repulsive]. The Gamemaster should tailor this package to fit the situation and campaign type he/she is running.
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