
Draconic Humanoids of Ariane

Kobold's are small scaly humanoids, very distantly related to Black Dragons, who infest many areas of the world of Ariane. These creatures are cunning and devious with a flair for deadly practical jokes and have a sadistic streak. It is for this reason that they are shunned almost everywhere, though they do have several notable communities in the demonic controlled Steamslayer Creche and in Marijan.

Kobolds range in colour from a dark rusty brown to a rusty black with brownish hightlights. They have two small ivory horns on thier heads above the eyes and a 1 ½ to 2 ft tail. They are covered in a fine mesh of scales which give them a small amount of natural protection and have large reddish eyes which are well suited to living in darkness, but cause them great pain when exposed to bright light or sunlight.

Kobolds speak a bastardised version of Hirk ( Lang: Green & Black Dragons) called Grek Maiir, while a small percentage call also speak Balien Common, Jeit Fom ( Goblin) and Kril-Orik (Black Trade Tongue).

Kobolds favour surprise attacks and ambushes over frontal assaults, and tend to be very compitent in the use of Thrown Ranged Weapons such as Javelins, Hatchets, Nets and Darts, they also like Blowpipes with Poison covered Darts and Shortbows.

To Create a Kobold Character for Play in Balimer please use the following template


Secondary Attributes



Total Cost


The Above Template will be effected by where the Kobold is played, in Rylan and Marijan add these to the base package,

in areas outside Rylan and Marijan add these Disadvantages

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