Village of Illyre
The small town of Illyre is situated on the main Trade Road to
the west of Chaliseton, it is located at the turnoff for traders heading for
Silverton and Highview rather than Chaliseton.
Illyre has a permanent population of 162 in BY300. Its
population demographic is 95 Human, 25 Halflings, 15 Elves, 5 Half Elves, 18
Treants ( Who tend Mielikki's Temple), 4 Were Otters ( Who live in the
Creek above the Dam) and 1 Orc
Points of Interest
1: Inn
of the Black Dragon:- This Inn was built in BY35, after the
previous structure was demolished by a very irate Black Dragon named
Ildrior, who was pissed at a group of adventurers who had killed its mate,
and stolen most of its treasure. In its glee at the destruction of the Inn, Ildrior
failed to notice 5 approaching adventurers who managed to kill the
distracted Dragon before it could respond ( Which is always the best way to
do it). The Dragons Head was preserved and now hangs from the Inns High Ceilinged
Entrance Hall, and all furniture in the Inns High Dinning Hall is upholstered
in the dragons magically preserved skin.
2: Illyre
Cemetery:- The scene of 6 murders in BY 100, 200 and finally
in BY300 when it was discovered that 2 of the Mausoleums housed 6 Folis
Demons, 3 in each, who needed to feed every 100 years to survive. its not
sure why they resided here, but the adventurers who killed them, claimed
they said they were waiting for the Return of Urshanori and the rebirth of
the Dark.
3: Gowlern's
Armoury - Gowlern is a retired Sergeant Major of the Royal
Balien Infantry Regiment, and also a Master Armourer who bought the old
Illyrian Blacksmithy in BY297 and started selling his first Armour and
Weapons in late 297, he has also maintained the Blacksmithy for Traders ,
and does work for the locals at a minimal cost ( Indeed if he knows the
person can't afford to have something fixed he will do it in return for an
Ale at the Inn, though this only happens if he offers). Gowlern's Armour is
always of Fine Quality, and indeed can be bought with minimal Enchantments
from Gowlern (He has 4 staff enchanters of lower skill) , though anything
major will have to be done by a more powerful Enchanter. It has been rumored
that Gowlern learnt his skills from the legendary Dwarven Smith Khargord of
Kaldibor , though he's not saying where he was taught.
4: Illyre Mill Co-Op:
- Run by Faopli the Otter (The matriarch of Illyres Were Otter Family) and is run in co-operation with
the areas farmers and herders
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Here is the FCW File forIllyre
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