Village (Hamlet) of 

Grey Manticore Inn

The Grey Manitcore Inn is situated approximately half-way between Chaliseton and Samit, on the Kings Road to Balien City 

It consists of the Grey Manitcore Inn and 4 Halfling homes, also to the east are another 5 human and 4 halfling dwellings. The 250 ft Rock Spire located to the south of the Inn, was once the perch of a Grey Manticore which terrorized travelers for nearly a year during the Balien Empire Civil War before the newly enthroned Count of Chalise sent a party to deal with it, and set-up a travelers stop for caravans traveling to Samit ( Which at the time was the counties southernmost township). The Inn was rebuilt in BY 136 and then again in BY 284 after fires gutted it.

In BY 300 the Inn was at the center of an investigation into a massive increase in Undead Creatures in the Area, it was discovered that the Inns owner, Oran Blackhand was in league with an Undead Wolf Lich named Kar-Vorn. Oran was exposed by a Knight of Tylanria named Karis, and a group of Adventurers lead by Tommy the Quick, a Priest of Manjil from Chaliseton. The group of Adventurers consisting of Tommy, a mage named Zavier, an Orcan Fighter named Broke Tooth and a Thendilar Dwarf  named Tora then proceeded to track down and kill Kar-Vorn

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