Green Dragon
Green dragons are bad tempered, mean, cruel, and rude. They hate
goodness and good-aligned creatures. They love intrigue and seek to enslave other woodland
creatures, killing those who cannot be controlled or intimidated.
A hatchling green dragon's scales are thin, very small, and a deep shade of green that
appears nearly black. As the dragon ages, the scales grow larger and become lighter,
turning shades of forest, emerald, and olive green, which helps it blend in with its
wooded surroundings. A green dragon's scales never become as thick as other dragons',
remaining smooth and flexible.
Green dragons speak their own tongue and 12% of hatchling green dragons
have an ability to communicate with any intelligent creature. The chance to possess this
ability increases 5% per age category of the dragon.
ST:13 DX:9 IQ:9 HT:12 Speed:7/4 Dodge:4 PD/DR:1/2 Damage:1d+1/ 1d+1/ 2d+2 |
Reach:R, C Size:3 Breath Weapon:Cloud of Chlorine Gas Range:6 Damage:2d+2 Magery/Spells:0/0 Magic Resistance:0 Fear Radius:0 |
ST:17 DX:11 IQ:9 HT:15/22 Speed:10/5 Dodge:5 PD/DR:1/3 Damage:1d+2/1d+2/ 2d+2 |
Reach:R, C Size:5 Breath Weapon:Chlorine Gas Range:10 Damage:3d-2 Magery/Spells:L1 5-10 Magic Resistance:0 Fear Radius:0 |
ST:32 DX:12 IQ:10 HT:15/35 Speed:12/6 Dodge:6 PD/DR:2/4 Damage:2d-2/ 2d-2/ 3d-2 |
Reach:R, C, 1 Size:6 Breath Weapon:Chlorine Gas Range:12 Damage:3d Magery/Spells:L1 10-15 Magic Resistance:L1 Fear Radius:15 yds |
Young Adult
ST:45 DX:13 IQ:11 HT:15/52 Speed:14/6 Dodge:7 PD/DR:3/5 Damage:2d-1/ 2d-1/ 3d |
Reach:R, C, 1 Size:8 Breath Weapon:Chlorine Gas Range:16 Damage:3d+2 Magery/Spells:L1 15-20 Magic Resistance:L2 Fear Radius:20 yds |
ST:56 DX:14 IQ:12 HT:15/67 Speed:18/6 Dodge:9 PD/DR:3/6 Damage:2d/ 2d/ 3d+1 |
Reach:R,C, 1 Size:10 Breath Weapon:Chlorine Gas Range:20 Damage:4d-1 Magery/Spells:L1 20-25 Magic Resistance:L3 Fear Radius:30 yds |
Old Adult
ST:62 DX:14 IQ:13 HT:15/84 Speed:22/6 Dodge:10 PD/DR:4/7 Damage:2d+1/ 2d+1/ 3d+2 |
Reach:R, C, 1, 2 Size:12 Breath Weapon:Chlorine Gas Range:24 Damage:4d+1 Magery/Spells:L1 25-30 Magic Resistance:L4 Fear Radius:40 yds |
Great Wyrm
ST:77 DX:14 IQ:14 HT:15/104 Speed:26/6 Dodge:10 PD/DR:4/8Breath Water 3/day Damage:2d+2/ 2d+2/ 4d-1 |
Reach:R, C, 1, 2 Size:14 Breath Weapon:Chlorine Gas Range:28 Damage:5d-2 Magery/Spells:L1 30-40 Magic Resistance:L5 Fear Radius:50 yds |
* Speed is Airborne/Ground
* Breath Weapon:
Cloud of Chlorine Gas which is 20-40ft wide by 15-30ft high by # yds long
* Special Abilities:
All Green Dragons Cast their Abilities at L16
Dragon Fear
Alertness L3
Immunity to Gases
Breath Water 3/day
Young Adult:
Suggestion 1/day
Shape Wood(Use Stats for Shape Plant but only works on Wood) 3/day, Plant Growth 1/day
Old Adult:
Tangle Growth 1/day, Rain of Nuts 3/day
Great Wyrm:
Hide Path 1/day