Gold Dragon
Gold dragons are wise, judicious, and benevolent. They often embark on
self-appointed quests to promote goodness, and are not easily distracted from them. They
hate injustice and foul play. A gold dragon frequently assumes human or animal guise and
usually will be encountered disguised.
At birth, a gold dragon's scales are dark yellow with golden metallic flecks. The flecks
get larger as the dragon matures until, at the adult stage, the scales grow completely
Gold dragons speak their own tongue and 18% of hatchling gold dragons
have an ability to communicate with any intelligent creature. The chance to possess this
ability increases 5% per age category of the dragon.
GM Gold
and Silver Dragon Info
ST:15 DX:9 IQ:12 HT:15 Speed:8/4 Dodge:4 PD/DR:1/5 Damage:1d+2, 1d+2, 3d-2 |
Reach:R, C, 1 Size:5 Breath Weapon:Cone of Fire/Chlorine Gas Range:15/10 Damage:3d-2 Magery/Spells:0/0 Magic Resistance:0 Fear Radius:0 |
ST:25 DX:11 IQ:12 HT:15/25 Speed:10/5 Dodge:5 PD/DR:1/6 Damage:2d-1, 2d-1, 3d-1 |
Reach:R,C,1 Size:7 Breath Weapon:Fire/Chlorine Range:21/14 Damage:3d Magery/Spells:3/15-30 Magic Resistance:0 Fear Radius:0 |
ST:40 DX:12 IQ:13 HT:15/40 Speed:12/6 Dodge:6 PD/DR:2/7 Damage:2d, 2d, 3d |
Reach:R, C, 1 Size:8 Breath Weapon:Fire/Chlorine Range:24/16 Damage:3d+2 Magery/Spells:3/30-50 Magic Resistance:L3 Fear Radius:15 yds |
Young Adult
ST:50 DX:13 IQ:14 HT:15/55 Speed:14/6 Dodge:7 PD/DR:3/8 Damage:2d+1, 2d+1, 3d+1 |
Reach:R, C, 1, 2 Size:10 Breath Weapon:Fire/Chlorine Range:30/20 Damage:4d-2 Magery/Spells:3/50-80 Magic Resistance:L4 Fear Radius:20 yds |
ST:60 DX:14 IQ:15 HT:15/70 Speed:18/6 Dodge:9 PD/DR:3/9 Damage:2d+2, 2d+2, 3d+2 |
Reach:R, C, 1, 2 Size:12 Breath Weapon:Fire/Chlorine Range:36/24 Damage:4d+1 Magery/Spells:3/60-90 Magic Resistance:L5 Fear Radius:30 yds |
Old Adult
ST:70 DX:15 IQ:16 HT:16/90 Speed:22/6 Dodge:10 PD/DR:4/10 Damage:3d-2, 3d-2, 4d-2 |
Reach:R, C, 1, 2 Size:15 Breath Weapon:Fire/Chlorine Range:45/30 Damage:5d-1 Magery/Spells:3/70-100 Magic Resistance:L6 Fear Radius:40 yds |
Great Wyrm
ST:85 DX:15 IQ:17 HT:16/110 Speed:26/6 Dodge:10 PD/DR:4/11 Damage:3d-1, 3d-1, 4d-1 |
Reach:R, C, 1, 2, 3 Size:17 Breath Weapon:Fire/Chlorine Range:51/34 Damage:5d+2 Magery/Spells:3/90-120 Magic Resistance:L7 Fear Radius:50 yds |
* Speed is Airborne/Ground
* Breath Weapon:
Cone of Fire; 5ft wide to 30ft wide x #yds long
Cloud of Chlorine Gas; 20-40ft Wide x 15-30 ft High x #yds Long
* Special Abilities:
Special Abilities are cast at L20
Dragon Fear
Alertness L3
Breathe Water
Beast Speech
Shapeshifting 3 times/day
Bless 3 times/Day(1 point at Young,add 1 point for every 2 Age Catagories)
Truthsayer 3 times/day
Young Adult:
Beast Summoning 3 times/day
Luck Bonus* See Notes Below
Old Adult:
Detect Gems 3 times/day , Quest Once/day
Great Wyrm:
Pearls or Small Gems
The luck bonus power of adults is used to aid good adventurers. By touch the dragon can enchant one gem to bring good luck. The gem is usually one which has been embedded in the dragon's hide. When the dragon carries the gem, it and every good creature in a 10' radius per age category of the dragon receives a Luck Advantage to all dice rolls per Hour.Stone of GoodLuck. If the dragon gives a gem to another creature only the bearer gets the bonus. The enchantment lasts one hour per age category of the dragon. plus 1-3 hours and gives the Bearer One extra Luck roll per Hour. The enchantment ends if the gem is destroyed before its duration expires.
1 Hour = 1 Hour of Playing time
not Game Time
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