giant.jpg (20694 bytes)

ST: 21 Fatigue: Attacks                         Type             Damage
DX: 12 Damage Fists
IQ: 10 Th:2d Sw:4d-1 Warhammer(Sk14) Imp 4d+5
HT: 18 HP: 28
Speed: 7.5 Move: 8 Rgd Attacks          Acc SS     ½D  Max Dam
Dodge 7 Parry: 7 Stones 0 11 170 240 2d
Natural Armor/Armor
PD: 8 DR: 8 Extras:Levitate: 3 Times/Day, Cast L25               Fog: 3 Times/Day, Cast L25                     Wall of Fog: Once/Day, Creates wall of fog 1yd deep x 4 yd high x 6yd wide                 Immunity to Cold
Size Weight:
ST: 20 Fatigue: Attacks                         Type            Damage
DX: 11 Damage Fists Crush 2d-3
IQ 9 Th:2d-1 Sw:3d+1 2H Sword(Sk13) Th/Imp 2d+5
HT: 16 HP: 24 Sw/Cut 3d+7
Speed: 6.75 Move: 7 Rgd Attacks            Acc  SS   ½D  Max Dam
Dodge: 6 Parry: 6 Rocks 0 12 150 200 2d-1
Natural Armor/Armor
PD: 1/3 DR: 3/6


Immunity to Fire, Heat and Red Dragon Breath.                                                                 Magic Resistance L1 vs Fire Spells  
Size: 2 Weight:
ST: Fatigue: Attacks                         Type            Damage
DX: Damage
IQ: Th: Sw:
Speed: Move: Rgd Attacks     Acc  SS    ½D  Max    Dam
Dodge: Parry:
Natural Armor/Armor
PD: DR: Extras:
Size: Weight:
ST: 19 Fatigue: Attacks                         Type            Damage
DX: 11 Damage Wooden Club Crush Swing+6
IQ: 6 Th:2d-1 Sw:3d+1
HT: 17 HP: 22
Speed: 5 Move: 7 Rgd Attacks           Acc  SS   ½D  Max  Dam
Dodge: 4 Parry: 5 Stone 0 12 150 200 2d+3
Natural Armor/Armor
PD: 0 DR: 4 Extras:
Size: 5 Weight:
ST: 21 Fatigue: Attacks                         Type            Damage
DX: 10 Damage Fists Crush 1d
IQ: 9 Th:1d+2 Sw:3d Stone Club(Sk13) Crush 3d+4
HT: 16 HP: 24
Speed 6.5 Move: 7 Rgd Attacks            Acc SS  ½D  Max Dam
Dodge 6 Parry: 6 Rocks(Sk17) 1 10 200 300 3d-1
Natural Armor/Armor
PD: 2/- DR: 6/- Extras:
Size: 2 Weight:
ST 22 Fatigue Attacks                         Type            Damage
DX 11 Damage Fists Crush 1d
IQ 10 Th:1d+2 Sw:3d Broadsword(Sk14) Th/Imp 1d+4
HT 15 HP 23 Sw/Cut 3d+2
Speed 6.5 Move 7 Rgd Attacks            Acc  SS  ½D Max  Dam
Dodge 6 Parry 7 Rock(Sk16) 1 10 200 300 3d-1
Natural Armor/Armor Long Bow(Sk15) 3 13 270 360 1d+4
PD 2/- DR 5/- Extras: 1 in 30 Giants will be the tribal priest with Magery 2 and Eidetic Memory L1(Min)
Size: 2 Weight:
ST: Fatigue: Attacks                         Type            Damage
DX: Damage
IQ: Th: Sw:
Speed: Move: Rgd Attacks     Acc  SS    ½D  Max    Dam
Dodge: Parry:
Natural Armor/Armor
PD: DR: Extras:
Size: Weight:
ST: Fatigue: Attacks                         Type            Damage
DX: Damage
IQ: Th: Sw:
Speed: Move: Rgd Attacks     Acc  SS    ½D  Max    Dam
Dodge: Parry:
Natural Armor/Armor
PD: DR: Extras:
Size: Weight:
ST: Fatigue: Attacks                         Type            Damage
DX: Damage
IQ: Th: Sw:
Speed: Move: Rgd Attacks     Acc  SS    ½D  Max    Dam
Dodge: Parry:
Natural Armor/Armor
PD: DR: Extras:
Size: Weight:
ST: Fatigue: Attacks                         Type            Damage
DX: Damage
IQ: Th: Sw:
Speed: Move: Rgd Attacks     Acc  SS    ½D  Max    Dam
Dodge: Parry:
Natural Armor/Armor
PD: DR: Extras:
Size: Weight:
  1. Giant Weapons: These do twice the listed damage of comparable human sized weapons.

  2. Giant Move: Add 1 to Basic Speed to get Giant Move Rates(They take bigger steps but gennerally move slower than humans and demi humans)

  3. Giant Powers: Spell Levels are given as a guide for effects, giants suffer no drain to use these powers.

  4. Humanoid Dodges: Humanoids under 5' tall recieve +2 to dodge when fighting giants because Giants have a hard time reaching down to hit them.

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