Forest Wemics

The Kargh


Secondary Characteristics




Kargh at ST 18 have an Average Height of 84" & Average Weight of 760lb.

The Kargh are descendents of the 12 Tribes of Wemics that moved to Balien in the early days of the Balien Empire. They came to protect the Emperor who had sent an army to help them vanquish an army of Orcs who had been assaulting them from the north.

The Kargh have changed considerably from the barbaric Plains Wemics from whence they are descended, they are much darker in colour and smaller than their plains cousins, with a more dappled coat to help them blend with the forest terrain they now inhabit. They also reckon descent through the Father ( The Huigh reckon descent through the Mother, as do the Windrider Nomads) and are much more civilised and sophisticated, which comes from living a more pastoral herding lifestyle. The Kargh now grow most of their food, with only occasional hunting to supplement their diets. In fact Kargh Cattle are much sought after for their fine flavour, and tender meat.

The favoured Kargh Weapon is the Spear, though many of the Human 2 Handed Weapons, such as Battle Axes ,Warhammers & Mauls are gaining popularity.

The Kargh tend towards Clerical Magic over Wizardly Magic, their fear of the Supernatural and Undead seems to be connected in many Kargh minds to Wizards and their meddling. Quite a few also follow a rangering lifestyle or become Druids. And of course they make excellent warriors, the Balien Army maintains 2 Regiments of Wemic Warriors ( 1 in Balien City, and the other in Toucy)

The Kargh-Saloc

The Kargh-Saloc are a tribe of Forest Wemics that have developed a sort of symbiotic relationship with a tribe of Halflings in Southern Balien's Forests. They are the same as regular Kargh in all respects except one. Add the Disadvantage Dependant/Ally ( A Halfling created with 75 Points) at cost -0. Kargh-Saloc Adventurers will tend to be young pairings out to explorer the world before starting families. Both Male and Female pairings are as likely as each other to be adventurers.

Total Cost +48

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