Of all the giant-kin, the firbolg is the most powerful, due to natural intelligence and considerable magical power.
Firbolgs appear to be normal humans, except that they are over 10 feet tall and weigh over 800 pounds. They wear their hair long and keep great, thick beards. Their skin is a normal fleshy pink, with any shade of hair color, although blonde and red are most common. The flesh and skin of firbolgs are unusually dense and tough. Their voices are a smooth, deep bass, thick with rolling consonants.
ST +4 | + 40 |
HT +1 | + 10 |
Natural DR 4 | + 25 |
Extra HP +5 | + 25 |
At ST 14 - Ave Hieght is 126" | |
- Ave Wieght is 820 lb |
Detect Magic: Cast at L20, Cost to cast 0, Time to Cast 5 Sec | + 5 |
Dimunation: Able to Shrink self to ½ Size, Costs 2 Fatigue but can be maintained indefinatly. | + 5 |
Parry Missile Weapons: Skill 20 (Parry 10) | + 5 |
Magic Resistance L5 | + 10 |
Cannot Wear Armour | - 10 |
Phobia (Demophobia, Crowds, Severe) | - 30 |
Intolerance (Other Species of Giantkin) L1 | - 5 |
Truthfullness | - 5 |
Honesty | - 10 |
Total Cost 65
Firbolg's use rules for Giant Sized Weapons. These weapons do double the listed damage of comparable sized human weapons, ie: a Giant Sized Broadsword does SW +2, TH +2 instead of SW +1, TH +1. But if the Giant using a Human Sized Weapon they suffer a -1 to Damage, ie: instead of SW +2 , TH +2 they do SW, TH damage with the Broadsword.
Firbolg's will be rare in a Balien Campaign as they live in colder areas of the world, such as Arcadia though they are known in the higher area's of the Southern Rim Ranges.