The Elves of Western Balimer are separated into 3 distinct ethnic groupings, in the areas covered by Balien, Relmandia, Bendoff, Villard, Andoria, Marijan etc live the Balimerian Elves, these elves live in closer harmony with the other races around them than their two companion races do, indeed in Balien and Andoria it has become so common for Elves and Humans to marry that it is not even a newsworthy event anymore.
The Elves of Eldanore are a breed apart from their brethren and are the only Elves in Western Balimer to actually have a large independent Country ruled by Elves. Eldanorian Elves are noted for their intolerance of other races ( During the War of Confederation a Company of Elven Light Cavalry from Balien was actually refused entry to Eldanore for 3 days because of the fact that 34 out of its 125 members where Half Elven, this racial problem is still rife in Eldanore even though the government pays lip service to Balien's insistence that Half Elves be accorded the same rights as Elves).
And lastly there are the Sylinian Elves which make up the majority of Elves to the south and east of the Sea of Life, indeed they inhabit the lands from the Sea of Life all the way south to Arcadia, and east to the Barrillion Mountains. The Sylinian Elves are even more closely integrated with the cultures around them than their Balimerian Cousins are, and there are quite a few Nomad Tribes of Sylinian Elves on the Great Plains. In the south the Elves are very much a part of Arcadian Society, though intermarriage is far less common, as are Half Elves.
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