The Kaldaborian Dwarves of Western Balimer are the standard Dwarven Race in Balien Campaigns. These Dwarves are a taciturn bunch, with a love of strong drink and precious metals < They do not however wear Horn Helmets, or sing that wonderful Dwarven No1 Hit "Gold! Gold! Gold!" :) >. Dwarves are more inclined towards Clerical Magic rather than Wizardly Magic, they tend to follow the way of Masoran (Whom they call Khordal the Mighty), Zan (Whom they call Mooradin the Red) or Jorualon (Whom they call Braetac the Maker).
Many Dwarves become warriors, and a fair few serve in the various armies of North Western Balimer. Balien has 2 Companies of Dwarven Heavy Infantry, and of course there is the Dwarven Ruby Guard of Kaldabor ( The Dwarven Kings Personal Body Guard). Other Dwarven Races that can use these stats without change are the Frugh-Maril Dwarves of Central Balimer, and the Sorin Dwarves of Central Aslan.
For Stats for the Thendilar Dwarves of Chalise Duchy and the Sing-Urnang Dwarves of North Eastern Aslan go here Thendilar Dwarves
Total Cost | 60 |