Copper Dragon
Cooper dragons are incorrigible pranksters, joke tellers, and riddlers.
They are prideful and are not good losers, although they are reasonable good winner. They
are particularly selfish, and greedy for their alignment, and have an almost neutral
outlook where wealth is concerned.
At birth, a copper dragon's scales have a ruddy brown color with a copper tint. As the
dragon gets older, the scales become finer and more coppery, assuming a soft, warm gloss
by the time the dragon becomes a young adult. Beginning at the venerable stage, the
dragons' scales pick up a green tint.
Copper dragons speak their own tongue and 14% of hatchling copper
dragons have an ability to communicate with any intelligent creature. The chance to
possess this ability increases to 5% per age category of the dragon.
ST:12 DX:9 IQ:10 HT:12 Speed:7/4 Dodge:4 PD/DR:1/2 Damage:1d, 1d, 2d+1 |
Reach:R, C Size:3 Breath Weapon:Stream of Acid/Cloud of Slowness Range:6/3 Damage:2d+1/Slow Spell L15 Magery/Spells:0/0 Magic Resistance:0 Fear Radius:0 |
ST:16 DX:11 IQ:10 HT:15/20 Speed:10/5 Dodge:5 PD/DR:1/3 Damage:1d+1, 1d+1, 2d+1 |
Reach:R, C, 1 Size:5 Breath Weapon:Acid/Slow Range:10/5 Damage:2d/SlowL17 Magery/Spells:1/10-20 Magic Resistance:0 Fear Radius:0 |
ST:28 DX:12 IQ:11 HT:15/33 Speed:12/6 Dodge:6 PD/DR:2/4 Damage:1d+2, 1d+2, 2d+2 |
Reach:R, C, 1 Size:6 Breath Weapon:Acid/Slow Range:12/6 Damage:2d+2/Slow L18 Magery/Spells:1/15-25 Magic Resistance:L1 Fear Radius:15 yds |
Young Adult
ST:43 DX:13 IQ:12 HT:15/48 Speed:14/6 Dodge:7 PD/DR:3/5 Damage:2d-2, 2d-2, 3d-2 |
Reach:R, C, 1 Size:8 Breath Weapon:Acid/Slow Range:16/8 Damage:3d-2 Magery/Spells:1/20-35 Magic Resistance:L1 Fear Radius:20 yds |
ST:54 DX:14 IQ:13 HT:15/63 Speed:18/6 Dodge:9 PD/DR:3/6 Damage:2d-1, 2d-1, 3d |
Reach:R, C, 1, 2 Size:10 Breath Weapon:Acid/Slow Range:20/10 Damage:3d/Slow L20 Magery/Spells:1/30-45 Magic Resistance:L2 Fear Radius:30 yds |
Old Adult
ST:60 DX:14 IQ:14 HT:15/80 Speed:22/6 Dodge:10 PD/DR:4/7 Damage:2d, 2d, 3d+1 |
Reach:R, C, 1, 2 Size:12 Breath Weapon:Acid/Slow Range:24/12 Damage:3d+2/Slow L21 Magery/Spells:1/40-60 Magic Resistance:L3 Fear Radius:40 yds |
Great Wyrm
ST:75 DX:14 IQ:15 HT:15/100 Speed:26/6 Dodge:10 PD/DR:4/8 Damage:2d+1, 2d+1, 3d+2 |
Reach:R, C, 1, 2 Size:14 Breath Weapon:Acid/Slow Range:28/14 Damage:4d-1/Slow L22 Magery/Spells:1/50-70 Magic Resistance:L4 Fear Radius:50 yds |
* Speed is Airborne/Ground
* Breath Weapon:
Stream of Acid; 5ft wide x # yds Long
Cloud of Slow Gas which is #yds Wide x #yds High x #yds Long ( Use the Sleep Spell at the Levels I have noted)
* Special Abilities:
Dragon Fear
Alertness L3
Immunity to Acid
Neuralize Poison 3 times/day
Shape Stone 3 times/day
Young Adult:
Forgetfulness once/day
Shape Earth 3 times/day
Old Adult:
Stone to Mud once/day
Great Wyrm:
Wall of Stone once/day
Giant Scorpions and other Large Poisonous Desert Creatures