Chalise Bridge
The Village of Chalise Bridge is approximately 8 miles North West of Chaliseton, and is a major crossing on the Chalise River. It is also the home of the 1st Balien Light Infantry Company ( The Company is most often found on the Relmandian Border and uses the barracks as a recruiting station and training base).
Inn of the Golden Dragon
The Inn of the Golden Dragon has stood on this spot for over 150 years, some say it is protected by the spirit of the Gold Dragon Frielinius, who died here protecting the citizens of Chalise Bridge from a pair of Red Dragons. Frielinius killed both Red's, but was so badly wounded he died shortly after the battle. Kalar Redmane, a Human Warrior, who was Frielinius' friend and battle companion for over 8 years buried him on the site of the destroyed Inn and then built the Inn of the Golden Dragon on the spot.
The Inn has a Common Room which has 35 beds and 38 Private Rooms. It also has a very well appointed restaurant and well stocked wine cellar.
The Green Balgewolf Inn
The Green Balgewolf was rebuilt in BY 295 after it was destroyed in a mysterious explosion. The only thing found in the old Inn was the body of a Balgewolf that had somehow turned completely green.
The Inn has a Common Room which holds 20, and 15 Private Rooms.
Red Mesnan's Armoury
The Armoury of Red Mesnan is renowned throughout Western Balimer, and is the maker of many fine weapons and armour.
Red's son Elin, is a member of the Council of Druids ( This is the ruling body of the Churches of Raglovan and Mielikki) and a very powerful Ranger.
Red has made weapons and armour for many of the Nobles of Chalise Duchy, and is renowned for the beauty of his work.
Chalise Keep
Chalise Keep guards the Bridge over the Chalise River, and has only fallen twice in its history, both times to invading armies of Rylan. It has however held out to invading forces on 3 other occasions, so its on the plus side.
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