Brass Dragon
Brass dragons are great talkers, but not particularly good
conversationalists. They are egotistical and often boorish. They oftern have useful
information, but will divulge it only after drifting off the subject many times and after
hints that a gift would be appreciated.
At birth, a brass dragon's scales are dull. Their color is a brassy, mottled brown. As the
dragon gets older, the scales become more brassy, until they reach a warm burnished
ST:11 DX:9 IQ:10 HT:11 Speed:8/4 Dodge:4 PD/DR:1/2 Damage:1d, 1d, 2d |
Reach:R, C Size:3 Breath Weapon:Cone of Sleep/Cloud of Heat Range:6/4 Damage:Sleep Spell L15/2d-1 Magery/Spells:0/0 Magic Resistance:0 Fear Radius:0 |
ST:16 DX:11 IQ:10 HT:15/18 Speed:10/5 Dodge:5 PD/DR:1/3 Damage:1d+1, 1d+1, 2d |
Reach:R, C, 1 Size:5 Breath Weapon:Sleep/Heat Range:10/7 Damage:Sleep L17/ 2d Magery/Spells:1/15-25 Magic Resistance:0 Fear Radius:0 |
ST:29 DX:12 IQ:11 HT:15/30 Speed:12/6 Dodge:6 PD/DR:2/4 Damage:1d+2, 1d+2, 2d+1 |
Reach:R, C, 1 Size:6 Breath Weapon:Sleep/Heat Range:12/9 Damage:Sleep L19/ 2d+2 Magery/Spells:1/20-30 Magic Resistance:L1 Fear Radius:15 yds |
Young Adult
ST:44 DX:13 IQ:12 HT:15/45 Speed:14/6 Dodge:7 PD/DR:3/5 Damage:2d-2, 2d-2, 2d+2 |
Reach:R, C, 1 Size:8 Breath Weapon:Sleep/Heat Range:16/12 Damage:Sleep L20/ 3d-2 Magery/Spells:1/ 25-35 Magic Resistance:L2 Fear Radius:20 yds |
ST:54 DX:14 IQ:13 HT:15/60 Speed:18/6 Dodge:9 PD/DR:3/6 Damage:2d-1, 2d-1, 3d-1 |
Reach:R, C, 1, 2 Size:10 Breath Weapon:Sleep/Heat Range:20/15 Damage:Sleep L21/ 3d Magery/Spells:1/ 30-45 Magic Resistance:L3 Fear Radius:30 yds |
Old Adult
ST:60 DX:14 IQ:14 HT:15/76 Speed:22/6 Dodge:10 PD/DR:4/7 Damage:2d, 2d, 3d |
Reach:R, C, 1, 2 Size:12 Breath Weapon:Sleep/Heat Range:24/18 Damage:Sleep L22/ 3d+2 Magery/Spells:1/45-60 Magic Resistance:L4 Fear Radius:40 yds |
Great Wyrm
ST:75 DX:14 IQ:15 HT:15/96 Speed:26/6 Dodge:10 PD/DR:4/8 Damage:2d+1, 2d+1, 3d+1 |
Reach:R, C, 1, 2 Size:13 Breath Weapon:Sleep/Heat Range:26/18 Damage:Sleep L23/ 4d-2 Magery/Spells:1/55-70 Magic Resistance:L5 Fear Radius:50 yds |
* Speed is Airborne/Ground
* Breath Weapon:
Cone of Sleep Gas; 5ft to 30ft wide and #yds Long ( Use Gurps Sleep Spell at the Level I have Noted)
Cloud of Furnace Heat; 15-30 ft Wide x 15-30 ft High x # yds Long
* Special Abilities:
Special Abilities are cast at L17
Dragon Fear
Alertness L3
Beast Speech
Immune to Fire and Heat
Create or Destroy Water 3 times/day
Young Adult:
Suggestion Once /day
Old Adult:
Warm or Cool 3 times/day ( In a 10ft Cube per Age Catagory)
Wind Once per day
Great Wyrm:
Summon Djinni Once per Week
Morning Due off Desert Plants