Below is a listing of the various Alchemical Elixirs available in Balimer, these include Elixirs from regular Alchemists and those provided by Temples. The Elixirs from Temples are going to be more powerful than regular Elixirs, but only if they effect something the God/Goddess has power over ( ie: Eldaria = Healing, Resavion = Light, etc .) and generally aren't for sale to the general public. Elixirs from Temples are only given to either Priests or Knights of the Temple or Lay Members of Good Standing, though they are on occasion sold to adventurers who are favored by the temples God/Goddess.

The various Elixirs are listed in categories according to their general purpose.


Raglovan's Potion's of < Animal Type > Control

These potions confer on the imbider the powers of the appropriate Animal Control Spell for 3d x 10 minutes. These potions are generally only given out to Druids of Raglovan or Rangers of Mielikki.

Potion of < Animal Type > Control

These Potions confer on the imbider the powers of the appropriate Animal Control Spell for 3d x 5 minutes. these potions are available from Alchemists for 500 - 700 Florin

Raglovan's Potion of Beast Speech

Subject can converse with Animals as per the Beast Speech Spell for 4d minutes. Also comes in a Powder Form. These Potions are generally only given out to Druids or Rangers.

Potion or Powder of Beast Speech

A lesser variant of the above , which lasts for 2d minutes and is available for between 750 - 900 Florin from Alchemists

Raglovan's Potion of Shapechange

These Potions are given to those favored by Raglovan or Mielikki and are created for specific people only. Possession of these Potions by the wrong people is considered an insult to Raglovan & Mielikki, and they will be hunted down if found out. The potion confers the powers of the Shapechange Spell on the Subject for 5d Minutes.


Masoran's Elixir of Combat

This Elixir can be bought by any Warrior from Temples of Masoran ( God of Competition and Combat ) and gives the Subject these modifiers. Adds 2 to ST, DX & HT, but Subtracts 4 from IQ and gives the subject the Bloodlust Disadvantage. Generally only taken before a Major Battle. This Elixir comes in 3 forms ( Potion, Powder or Pastille) and costs between 800 and 1100 Florin

Unguent of Chamraes Armour

This Unguent is spread over the body of the Subject and confers a DB of 1 and DR of 4 for 1d + 1 hours. This unguent is made by both the Temples of Zan and Masoran and is available for between 3000 and 3200 Florin

Unguent of Toughness

Similar to the above Unguent, but only giving protection of DR 3 to entire body for 1d + 1 hours ,and available from Alchemists for between 2000 and 2200 Florin

Potion or Powder of Masoran ( the Warrior)

Subjects DX is increased by 1d points for 1 hour and the subject is effected as per the Bravery Spell {p65 Magic Book} for that time. Available from either the Temples of Masoran or Zan, or from Alchemists for between 270 - 400 Florin

Heart of the Horse (Elixir of Endurance)

Subject feels no fatigue for 1d hours, except for fatigue caused by his own spellcasting, which is subtracted normally. At the end of that time, his ST is reduced to 0 and he falls unconscious. $300 in materials; 6 weeks. Cost: 1 ,400 - 2.400 Florin.

Swiftness of the Viper (Elixir of Speed)

Subject’s Basic Speed and Move are both increased by 1 for 3d x 4 minutes. Up to three doses of this elixir may be taken at once, for increased effect, but roll separately for the time each dose lasts. Any form except pastille. 200 Florin in materials; 3 weeks. 550 / 850 Florin.

Power of Hrand Greywolf (Elixir of Strength)

Subject’s ST is increased by 1d points for 1 hour. This increases encumbrance, weapon damage, etc., appropriately, but does not give extra fatigue points. Powder or potion. 100 Florin in materials; 2 weeks; -1 to skill. Cost: 250 Florin.

Essense of Manjil (Elixir of Stealth)

Subject’s Stealth and Climbing abilities are each raised by 1d points (roll separately) for 1 hour. Unguent only. 300 Florin in materials; 3 weeks; - 1l to skill. Cost: 500 - 2,000 Florin. Illegal in many cities!

Power Of Trinda's Light (Elixir of the Hunter)

Subject’s encumbrance levels are multiplied by 4 for 1d+1 hours - so, if his extra heavy encumbrance is normally 200, it becomes 800! Encumbrance effects having to do with spells (e.g., Teleport) are not affected. Potion only. This elixir is sometimes carried by hunters, trappers and miners so that if they find something heavy but valuable, they call bring it out themselves. It also works on animals, and can be used to let a load-beast carry more. 200 Florin in materials, 1 week. Cost: 300 Florin - 400 Florin.

Might of Zandor (Elixir of Leadership)

Subject has +4 to Leadership skill for the next 1d hours, and +2 to Strategy and Tactics skills. Potion only. 400 Florin in materials; 7 weeks. Cost: 1,650 Florin - 1,800 Florin

Hostile Elixirs*

Urgans Countance (Elixir of Odiousness)

Subject is perceived as untrustworthy and unattractive; everyone reacts to him at -4 for the next 1d+2 hours. Any form. 300 Florin in materials; 4 weeks. Cost: 1,000 Florin - 1,700 Florin.

[Act Like the] Drunken Monkey (Elixir of Madness)

Subject suffers effects of Madness spell (p. 67) lasting 1d hours. The maker may attempt to specify the precise form of madness the elixir will cause, but must make his Alchemy roll by 2 or better to produce the results he wants; on a success by less than 2, the madness is rolled randomly. Any form. 100 Florin in materials; 1 week. Cost: 200 Florin - 400 Florin.

Marida's Rage (Elixir of Jealousy)

Makes the subject violently jealous of anyone of equal or superior intelligence, wealth, beauty, and so on - whatever attainments the subject most prizes - for 1d hours. Any form. 50 in materials; 2 weeks. Cost: 400 Florin - 750 Florin.

Mirror of Ki (Elixir of Self-Love)

Subject will care nothing for the opinions or well-being of any but himself for 1d+1 hours. He will be very happy and self-satisfied during this time. The chief legitimate use of this elixir is to treat depression! Any form except potion. 20 Florin in materials; 4 weeks. Cost: 750 Florin - 1,450 Florin.

Urgan Lurks Within (Elixir of Hatred)

Subject hates all that he normally loves for 1 hour. Any form. 125 Florin in materials; 1 week. Cost: 300 Florin - 500 Florin.

Heart of the Chicken (Elixir of Fear)

Subject is affected as per the Fear spell (p. 65), including resistance roll against the alchemist's skill. May be made in pastille form (normal effect) or potion (subject resists at -4). 550 Florin in materials; 1 week. Cost: 225 Florin - 400 Florin.

Power of the Elderly (Elixir of Weakness)

Subject's ST is reduced by 3 for every dose taken (up to four can have effect), for 1d hours. Any form, but pastille effect only lasts 1d minutes. 50 Florin in materials; 2 weeks. Cost: 400 Florin - 750 Florin.

Ki's Call (Elixir of Lecherousness)

Subject suffers the disadvantage of Lecherousness (p. B34) for 1d hours. Any form. 200 Florin in materials; 10 days. Cost: 500 Florin - 700 Florin.

Absence of Tyche (Elixir of Frustration)

Subject has -2 to all die rolls for one day. Any number of doses can affect a person simultaneously! Any form. 100 Florin in materials; 3 weeks. 650 Florin - 1,150 Florin.

Gelor's Folly (Elixir of Foolishness)

Subject's IQ is reduced by 3 for every dose taken (up to four can have effect), for 1d hours. Any form. but pastille effect only lasts 1d minutes. 150 Florin in materials; 2 weeks. Cost: 500 Florin - 850 Florin

Bile of Herol (Elixir of Death)

A poison, doing 4d damage; a successful HT roll reduces this to 2d damage. Symptoms include numbness and paralysis. A second dose will not be effective until an hour after the first. Any form. 100 Florin in materials; 2 weeks. Cost: 500 Florin - 800 Florin. Illegal almost everywhere!

Essense of the Spectre (Elixir of Aging)

Subject becomes a year older, permanently. Appropriate aging rolls must be made immediately. Antidote must be given within 6 hours to be effective! Any form. 300 Florin in materials; 3 weeks. Cost: 825 Florin - 1,350 Florin.

Magical Abilities

Jorualon's Protection (Elixir of Fire Resistance)

Subject is fireproof, as per the lowest level of the Resist Fire spell (p. 37) for 1d hours. Potions of this type made at the Temples of Jorualon or Pyhrus confer the 2nd level of Fire Resist as well. Potion only. 300 Florin in materials; 1 week. Cost: 500 Florin - 700 Florin.

Trinda's Transformation (Elixir of Transformation)

Subject turns into an animal, as per Shapeshifting spell (p. 25) , for 2d hours. Note that it is possible for the subject to be trapped in beast-form; if this happens, either Janus elixir or a Remove Curse spell will restore his natural shape. If the subject takes the elixir knowingly, he may transform into any creature within the limits of twice his body weight to 1/10 his body weight. If the subject takes it unknowingly, he is transformed into the creature most appropriate to his personality (GM's decision). Potion or powder only. 800 Florin materials; 12 weeks. Cost: 3,000 Florin - 5,000 Florin.

Speed of Falcon (Elixir of Flight)

Gives power of flight, as per Flight spell (p. 71) , for 1 hour, these elixirs can also be bought, in small amounts, at Temples of Falcon, those made at the temple last for 4 hours. Potion or powder. 500 Florin in materials; 10 weeks; -2 to skill. Cost: 3,000 Florin - 4,700 Florin.

Vision of Tylanria (Elixir of True Sight)

Give subject the power to see auras, as per the Aura spell (p. 53) , for 1d minutes. Commonly used by Trail Judges to accetain the Truth. Unguent only; must be applied to eyes. 200 Florin in materials; 4 weeks; -l to skill. Cost: 550 Florin - 600 Florin.

Lightness of the Water Beetle (Elixir of Water-Walking)

Gives subject the ability to walk on water as though it were dry land for 3dx4 minutes. If the subject falls, he will not get wet. Subject may not dive or swim while under this potion's influence, any more than he could dive into the earth! Potion and powder only. 150 Florin in materials; 3 weeks. Cost: 700 Florin.

Deception of the Eye (Elixir of Invisibility)

Subject is invisible for ldxl0 minutes. Potion only. 1,000 Florin in materials; 16 weeks; -3 to skill. Cost: 3,000 Florin - 6,000 Florin. Illegal in many places!

Lungs of the Fish (Elixir of Water-Breathing)

Subject may breathe water, as per Breathe Water spell (p. 35), for I d hours. Potion only. 50 Florin in materials; 5 weeks; -1 to skill. Cost: 600 Florin.

Tyche's Glory(Elixir of Luck)

Subject has the Luck advantage (p. B21) for 2d game-hours. Any form except potion. 200 Florin in materials; 6 weeks: -2 to skill. Cost: 1,300 Florin.

Medical Elixirs

Blessing of Eldaria (Elixir of Health)

Cures any and all diseases of subject, and restores 2 points of HT. Only one dose per day will be effective. Potion only. 200 Florin in materials; 4 weeks: -1 to skill. Cost: 750 Florin. If gained from the Temple of Eldaria, restores 4 points of HT

Blessing of Delmancia (Elixir of Fertility)

Subject will be fertile/potent for 1 hour. Except for eunuchs or similar unfortunates, offspring will come of any natural union made during this period. Unusual combinations (e.g., elf and dwarf) will not necessarily result in offspring even with the potion, but the possibility is there... Potion only. This potion has a distinct, unmistakable ruby-red glow. 1,500 Florin in materials; 20 weeks; -4 to skill. Cost: 6,000 Florin. Only rarely is this Potion availible outside Temples to Delmancia

Water of Eldaria (Elixir of Healing)

Restores 1 d points of lost HT - or, if HT is normal, restores 2d of lost fatigue. Repeated doses have full effect. Potion or unguent. 50 Florin in materials; 1 week. Cost: 120 Florin - 250 Florin. When aquired at the Temple of Eldaria this Potion will restore 2d HT, or HT is normal 3d of Lost Fatigue.

Slumber of the Bear (Elixir of Long Slumber)

Subject falls into a deep sleep lasting indefinitely. Roll vs. HT yearly; on a critical success, subject wakens. Otherwise, he can only be revived by the Janus elixir. He requires no food, and is unaffected by age or disease, though physical attacks do normal damage. Wounds neither heal nor worsen, though bleeding must be staunched or he will bleed to death. In essence, this is “suspended animation.” 4,500 Florin in materials; 25 weeks. 9,000 Florin.

Rebirth of Iris (Elixir of Youth)

Subject becomes a year younger, permanently. Potion only. 6,000 Florin in materials; 50 weeks; -8 to skill. Cost: 25,000 Florin.

Healing of the Hydra (Elixir of Regeneration)

The subject must rub the elixir (unguent only) into his own skin at the site of an injury. Will restore a single arm or leg (completely) or a single hand, foot, finger, etc., or a single eye or ear. $300 in materials; 20 weeks; -3 to skill. Cost: $5,000/$11,000.

Bite of the Bezoar (Antidote Elixir)

Counteracts the effect of any other alchemical products. A dose of Janus will instantly undo the effect of any or all other elixirs, except healing elixirs, on the subject. It also gives “immunity” to further doses of elixir of any type, but only for 1d minutes after the Janus is taken! Potion, powder or unguent. $250 in materials; 2 weeks; -2 to skill. Cost: $400/$1,000.

Elisena's Rest (Elixir of Sleep)

Subject must roll vs. HT-4 or fall instantly asleep. He may not be awakened, except by magic, for (16-HT) hours. After that, the sleep is normal: he will sleep a total of eight hours if not awakened earlier. Any form. $50 in materials; 1 week. Cost: $120/$250.

Rejection of Taldon (Elixir of Resurrection)

Restores 2d hits to a newly-dead (within 1 hour) subject, and brings him to life with ST1! On a live subject, it restores 5d hits and all fatigue. No missing parts are restored. Will not work if the head has been destroyed, or if the body has been burned or taken more than HT x 10 hits. Potion only; must be poured in the corpse's mouth. $12,000 in materials; 50 weeks; -5 to skill. Cost: $25.000/$40,000.

Knowledge of Taldon (Elixir of Reanimation)

When this elixir (unguent form only) is brushed onto the lips of a corpse, it will answer the next question put to it, to the limit of the knowledge it had in life. The brain must be intact; if the person has been dead for more than 2 days, roll to see if the potion works. Use a “base skill” of 16, and subtract the number of days since death. A frozen or otherwise preserved corpse might be responsive for longer, of course. Should this unguent touch a living person, he will immediately suffer the effect of the Death Vision spell (p. 72), and the unguent will be lost. $2,000 in materials (some of which are illegal in many places); 12 weeks; -2 to skill. Cost: $4,100/$6,200.

Mental Abilities

Question Resavion (Elixir of Foreknowledge)

The subject sees a vision about the next important crisis or turning point in his life. This is entirely up to the GM; however, if there is danger ahead or an important choice about to be made, it is reasonable for the vision to help with it. Powder only. $200 in materials; 10 weeks. $2,000/$3,700.

The Long Memory (Elixir of Memory)

Subject has first-level Eidetic Memory (p. B20) for one hour. This grants only the IQ roll to remember small details. Potion or powder. $400 in materials; 6 weeks. Cost: $l,500/$2,500.

Personality of Sirena (Elixir of Charisma)

Subject becomes charismatic for 1d hours. Roll 1 extra die on any reaction roll. Unguent or powder. $100 in materials; 3 weeks; -1 to skill. Cost: $350/$550.

Wisdom of Tylanria (Elixir of Wisdom)

Increases IQ by 1 d points for 1 hour. The increased IQ benefits skill and language use, but not spellcasting. Potion or powder. $600 in materials; 5 weeks; -1 to skill. Cost: $l,500/$2,400.

Mental Control

Falsehood of Ki (Elixir of Love, or “love potion”)

Subject falls in love with the next-seen member of the opposite sex. Effect is permanent unless counteracted by a dose of Janus (p. 101) , another dose of Eros (which will cause the subject to love someone else), or the Remove Curse spell. Any form. $600 in materials; 3 weeks; -2 to skill. Cost: 5900/52,000.

Spirit of Reveline (Elixir of Drunkenness)

Subject is drunken, as per Drunkenness spell (p. 66) ; -3 each to DX and IQ, for 1d hours. He is a happy, charismatic drunk (others react at +1) and recovers without a hangover. Powder only; must be taken in wine. $100 in materials; 3 days. Cost: $130/$300.

Minor Touch of Sirena(Elixir of Friendship)

Subject has +3 reaction to all others for 1d hours. Any form, but pastille effect lasts only 3d minutes. $300 in materials; 2 weeks. Cost: $550/$1,000.

Skills and Physical Abilities

Light of the Sun(Elixir of Vision)

Gives a +6 to subject's Vision for 3dx5 minutes. Unguent only; must be applied directly to the eyes. If two doses are given, the subject's vision becomes no keener but he can also see invisible objects as per the See Invisible spell. $250 in materials; 10 days. Cost: $400/$700.

Lyre of Reveline(Elixir of Music)

Subject has +4 to any music skill, or +3 to any reaction to his music (his choice) for 1 d hours. Most bards consider this to be a cheat! Any form, but pastille lasts only 2d minutes. $150 in materials; 4 days. $300/$400.

Ear of the Rabbit(Elixir of Hearing)

Gives a +6 to subject's Hearing for 3dx5 minutes. Unguent only; must be applied directly to the ears. $125 in materials; 1 week. Cost: $300/$500.

Skill of Jorualon(Elixir of Craftsmanship)

Gives subject a bonus of 1d+1 on all craft skills for 1d hours; roll separately for each skill attempted. $400 in materials; 4 weeks; -1 to skill. Cost: $1,100/$1,800.

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